The Grim Reaper is a friend of mine.

And Buddhism helped make our friendship possible. Once we are born, we will die. It does not work any other way. Death is our constant companion. A companion who helps you deepen your understanding of the Four Noble Truths and teaches you to live in harmony with impermanence.

I could never have survived the deaths of my closest family members and friends without my Buddhist practice. And contemplating your death and the death of your loved ones when all of you are healthy might seem morbid, but it will bring you to a place of strength and wisdom. When you can face death with equanimity, you live confidently and fearlessly.

Practice Death Dhamma with me and take another step toward the cessation of suffering.

Carpooling with Death by Margaret Meloni

Carpooling With Death: How Living with Death will Make YOU, Stronger, Wiser and Fearless: A woman, the Grim Reaper, and a Southern California freeway. This is where Margaret Meloni first began to realize that she needed to make friends with death. With aging parents, and a husband who had already had cancer scares, she realized that death was a constant companion.

The Grim Reaper is a harmless escort. In this book, which is part memoir and part self-help,  she shares her experiences as she faced the loss of her family, moved forward with her life, and made friends with death.

Sitting with Death by Margaret Meloni

Sitting with Death: Buddhist Insights to Help You Face your Fears and Live a Peaceful Life:  While navigating the loss of her family, Margaret’s Buddhist practice is what helped her to move forward with her life. After a few years had passed, she wondered, how do skillful Buddhist teachers prepare for their own deaths?

How do they mourn the loss of their loved ones? Perhaps they have a magic no-suffering wand. Read Sitting with Death and join Margaret Meloni as she captures the wisdom and insights of twelve Buddhist teachers. And learn how to train yourself to face life and death with peace.

Azul Terronez
Azul Terronez
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I must admit that I tended to shy away from the subject of death, but since reading this book and knowing Margaret I realize that I have so much to gain from being upfront and honest about it. I think I am more prepared and ready.
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Anyone who has lost loved ones or are dealing with friends or family with terminal illnesses needs to read this book. It is a personal journey and guiding example of how to make it through times of grief. Mrs. Meloni shows us why the five stages of grief aren't necessarily the right path for us, how to deal with others who mean well but don't help our situation, and how to take care of ourselves and reshape our lives.
Jan Cooks
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This book would be beneficial for all types of people. The author is open and honest about what she experienced in dealing with the deaths of family members and friends. Throughout, she maintains a sense of humor, and she compassionately helps people understand how to live when a loved one has died. Although a practicing Buddhist, the author discusses issues and makes suggestions that are useful for those of any faith. Most importantly, she provides practical approaches to coping with the tangible and emotional needs a survivor has. She will help you "walk with death, but enjoy life."
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I started this book and set it down for several weeks. When I picked it back up, I was nothing short of grateful. Author Margaret Meloni shares a compelling story (stories really), and does so in easy-to-read fashion. This book leaves us with valuable life lessons and plenty to contemplate. It's unfortunate that the topic of our inevitable death and the real world elements that surround isn't required reading. This may be the closest thing one can get to a playbook on the matter. So when should you read it? Well... there is no promise for a tomorrow.
K. Nguyen
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Nothing is sadder than when your loved people die. Many have experience with death but don’t want to speak or be reminded of it. Margaret had many loved ones die closely in succession, and the extreme suffering she felt deep in her bones made her rewrite this diary of her life. In addition, she is a Doctor of Philosophy with a focus on Buddhist Studies which relates to the compassion she wears on her heart which helped her write this to help others in situations like her. Read this book to find out how to manage death and suffering. It is for anyone of any faith, since Margaret currently applies Buddhism to her life and was raised by Catholic parents. -Dr. Laura N.
Don Orr
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As she shares her personal journey with us, the author offers helpful suggestions about processing grief. Her stories are poignant and surprisingly uplifting, filled with unique and memorable details. Death is something that everyone encounters, but few know how to handle effectively. Whether you have lost a loved one or are looking to comfort someone who has, this book is a gentle guidebook from a true expert on the subject.
Susan Thompson
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I wish this book had been available when I started losing those close to me, especially before the first such death. It is liberating to acknowledge in advance that death will come--then you can prepare (insofar as it is possible) and make the most of the remaining time. Yes, everyone will die: that makes it all the more important to cherish them while alive.
Cayce H. Howe
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Great read. As a Buddhist teacher I am often reminded of the release of suffering one has when they come to terms with the realities of life. This is a book that I now share with friends, relatives and acquaintances that are suffering from loss. It is relatable. Like you are talking to a friend. Margaret has a way of presenting these matters that puts one at ease through a sense of shared suffering.
Marlon Walters
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While reading this book, I started to feel layers of hurt become released from my heart. The compassion and encouragement from the author are evident in every word. This is definitely a must read for those ready to start the healing process after the loss of a loved one.
Wendy N. Block
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I finished the book in one sitting. Margaret writes with such clarity and honesty. Beautifully written. As Margaret shares her personal journey with death of loved ones, she reveals beautiful wisdom through difficult and challenging circumstances.
Samdy J.
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This book definitely resonated with me as I found I had much in common with the author related to end of life issues. I liked her style of writing as I like a sense of humor in things, even heavy topics like death. I appreciate her advice as it is offered with kindness and honesty. I would definitely recommend this book to everyone as we are all walking this path.
Melissa Press
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I admire the courage it took to write a book on a topic so many avoid. It is known we all will die at some point and this book really helps you prepare and shed light on something we all prefer to avoid. Having just recently lost my father I connected to so much of the advice she gave and it was all relevant. She certainly has the experience to write this book and everyone will gain from reading this book.

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