Compassion as a Critical Foundation for Buddhist Practice

As we journey deeper into this season, we anticipate the theme of compassion to be a recurring motif in our discussions with those who work tirelessly to ease the sufferings of others. Compassion, while not always verbally expressed, is often the undercurrent that drives their actions and fuels their motivations.

This episode kicks off with an interesting anecdote from Margaret’s past – a statement made by an academic teacher claiming the absence of compassion in Theravada Buddhism. This claim, which left a deep impression, led her to an explorative quest on the existence of compassion in the Pali Canon. She spent time with these ancient texts to uncover the truth.

Margaret seeks to debunk the misunderstood notion that the Pali Canon holds no teachings on compassion. Through research and critical examination of the texts, she reveals the innate presence of compassion within Theravada Buddhism. Here’s a spoiler: compassion is real and it’s powerful. It’s in the way we recognize another’s suffering, empathize with them, and are spurred into action to alleviate their pain.

Join Margaret as she unravels the profound essence of compassion in the philosophy of Theravada Buddhism, and how it continues to inspire and drive people to make a difference in the world.

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